
Name: Oscar Role: Developer Background: Oscar, the lead developer of $MDAI, is a distinguished figure in the blockchain community, he embarked on his journey with a degree in computer engineering four years ago. His venture into blockchain was marked by an early engagement with Solidity in 2020, a period when the technology was still in its infancy. This experience provided him a foundational role in the success of numerous projects, managing their smart contracts with expertise. With a background in computer science, Oscar's proficiency in Python emerged as a natural choice, leveraging its flexibility and robustness to develop the innovative ChatBot for $MDAI.

Email: [email protected] Username on Telegram:

Name: Lenson Role: CEO Background: Lenson, the CEO of $MDAI, is a seasoned investor with a deep-rooted presence in the cryptocurrency and forex markets since 2017. Over the past four years, he has dedicated himself to the study of economics and commerce with a focus on marketing, gaining a profound understanding of the financial sector's intricacies. His academic pursuits were complemented by his professional experience in leading prestigious firms, where he honed his skills and developed a wide range of innovative concepts and strategies. This rich background in both practical and theoretical aspects of finance and marketing has equipped Lenson with a unique perspective on the digital economy, enabling him to steer $MDAI with visionary leadership and an adept understanding of market dynamics.

Email: [email protected] Username on Telegram:

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